Xtreme Weed & Pest Solutions: Spring is coming...
We are getting closer to spring (FINALLY) and setting up appointments for pest/rodent control around your home and businesses. Unfortunately, we are no longer doing weed control but are focusing only on controlling insects, spiders and rodents. We are encouraging everyone to call now so we can get you on the spring list. We are doing a special prize drawing for everyone who reaches out to us before March 30.
Tom and I are celebrating our 13th year in Business and are excited to see all of our clients this season.
I wanted to take a moment and share how we run our business...
In a perfect world I try and do our schedule for the week. Weather and emergencies dictate how the schedule comes together. The weather forecast isn't always correct and it's difficult to predict what the weather will be like on any given day. We will do our best to ensure that the service we provide will be successful under all circumstances. We can't provide free retreats due to unforeseen weather conditions.
When I give you an approximate time for our arrival, keep in mind it is approximate. We try very hard to be as punctual as possible but sometimes things are out of our control. We will always try and call or text if we are going to be later that the 2-hour time frame. Keep in mind that sometimes we are in no service areas and can't make a call or send a text. Sometimes in order for us to fit everything into our day we may have to start earlier than 8a.m. I try really hard to text or call everyone the night before your appointment. (Calling days before your appointment is really difficult because of weather)
I am the one that answers the phone, returns messages, does the schedule and does the bookkeeping while I'm also out in the field doing pest control. With that being said, please understand that sometimes I miss calling someone back or scheduling an appointment. If you ever call and don't get a response, please send me a text or call again and remind me. I don't do this on purpose, but I just have a lot on my plate and sometimes things fall through the cracks.
We send our invoices via email. We usually do this before we leave your driveway or as soon as we get service if you are in a no service area. If you don't receive your invoice, please check your spam folder. Send me a text if you didn't receive it that day. I'm only human and sometimes my fat fingers put in the wrong email address.
Cancellations put a monkey wrench in the schedule. If you cancel your appointment, we will put you on the schedule for the next time our route is in your area. If cancellations begin to become a problem, we will issue a cancellation fee. When setting up an appointment with us, please understand the only way we can guarantee a time frame is if it's the first appointment of the day and only if it fits into our route.
If we provide rodent services and we have to get into a locked location, you will need to either provide us with a key or make arrangements to have it unlocked when we get there. We will not make scheduled appointments for our monthly rodent visits.
The product we use is NOT usually instant death. It is meant to have a residual and work for a long period of time. This means that is normal to see live insects after we leave. It is also normal to see dead insects several weeks after we leave. Understanding that sometimes it will take a few days for the product to take full effect, please feel free to let us know if you continue to have issues.
Unfortunately, we aren't miracle workers. We are in the pest control business, so it is impossible to eliminate every pest in your area. It is normal to see a few insects here and there around your home.
If you have any concerns, please give me a call at 406-261-8865, Our goal is to help you with all your pest control needs.
Thank you for supporting Tom and I the past 13 years in our business. Remember to follow us on Facebook (Xtreme Weed & Pest Solutions) or Instagram (Xtremebuglady) for funny stories, insect information, prize drawings and Pest Control tips.
